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Lost Smooth Operator Surfboard Review by Derek

Smooth Operator Surfboard Review

Derek mentions that when he first got the board, he tried using a three-fin setup but found it to be too stiff. He switched to using 20s instead and found that it really loosened up the board.  Derek mentions that he used different brands and the board "flies" well. Derek mentions that he usually surfs at Tongs and sometimes Series.

Derek explains that he has a smaller board for bigger waves but that the board he's discussing is his go-to for most conditions. He mentions that the nose feels a little light but the board still carves well down the face. Derek confirms that the board is made of regular fiberglass and says that it's an "awesome" board. He weighs 180 pounds and has no problem paddling the board, even for duck diving. Overall, Derek seems to be happy with his board and its performance.

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