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Hawaiian South Shore November Newsletter

THE BLUE ZONE IN OKINAWA David Kelly | Owner, Hawaiian South Shore Hawaiian South Shore November Newsletter Most of us have heard of “blue corduroy” (the wave lines that stack up on the horizon during major swell events), but not as many have heard of blue zones. Blue zones are specific areas around the world that have been identified as places where people live much longer than average. According to research by Dan Buettner, blue zones have been identified in several places around the world and includes Loma Linda, California, Icaria, Greece, Sardinia, Italy and Okinawa. Having grown up in Okinawa, I found it interesting to learn that my childhood home had one of the longest-living populations in the world. In fact, with the area’s propensity for natural disasters (Okinawa is getting hammered by two major typhoons this week), you’d think that the population would actually live shorter-than average lives, not longer! But it turns out, there are measurable reasons why people live so long in the islands of southern Japan and a lot of it has to do with diet. The men in Okinawa tend to live to an average age of 84, while the women live 90 years on average. This is well above the global average and is impressive, in its own right. They also suffer far lower instances of diseases that are prevalent in the US. Only 20% the rate of cardiovascular disease, breast cancer and prostate cancer and only 50% the rate of dementia. But even more impressive, is the large number of Okinawans who live past the century mark. These are the survivors who are the most interesting when it comes to lifestyle and particularly diet. Okinawans who were born before 1914 and lived the first third of their lives before 1940, when specific dietary factors were widespread, ended up internalizing these dietary practices and turning them into habit. Most notable among these, is the fact that they get most of their calories from Okinawan sweet potato (one of the world’s healthiest foods) and sprouted brown rice and tofu, versus the modern staples such as bread and white rice. They also ate fish a few times a week instead of the modern dependence on fast food meats. In fact, dairy and meat only made up a very small percentage of their diets! In addition to this basic diet, most Okinawan homes have their own gardens where specific vegetables are grown. I can remember growing up in Okinawa and seeing these gardens everywhere. I also remember how often we would run out to get sweet potatoes for mom and not knowing that these simple things were helping people to live longer! Scientists have identified a number of foods that are eaten by Okinawans that directly lead to increased health and longevity. This includes a number of foods that are grown in these gardens. These foods include: bitter melon (hard for some people to get used to the taste, but extremely high in nutrients); tofu (Okinawans eat nearly eight times as much tofu as Americans); sweet potatoes (high in flavonoids, carotenoids, vitamin c, slowburning carbs, and sporamin, which is a strong anti-aging agent); turmeric (as a powerful anti-inflammatory); brown rice (sprouted in water before being cooked); shitake mushrooms; miso soup and seaweeds. Growing up, I never thought of how healthy these foods were for me. But today, looking back at my childhood in Okinawa and learning about why the people there live so long, it all makes a lot of sense. It also gives me a nice dose of nostalgia as I remember the food and lifestyle I grew up with. It’s a lifestyle that helps keep people healthy and in the blue for longer. That’s something we surfers can really appreciate! Photo by David Mclain Please check out his work, since I feel it’s some of the best work.
Hawaiian South Shore NEW Wet Rash Review Hawaiian South Shore November Newsletter Our Outer Island Friend @surfdog808 is super stoked on our New Wet Rash Super stoked! Hawaiian South Shore November Newsletter
HAWAIIAN SOUTH SHORE MEMBER OF THE MONTH Hao Zheng How long have you been surfing, and where do you normally like to surf? I took surf lessons as a visitor, before I moved back to the island, but started to surf regularly about a year ago. My current favorite spot is Pops off Waikiki. Do you remember your first ride, and who pushed you into your first wave? I took my very first surf lesson years ago in Haleiwa when I used to live on the mainland. My surf instructor Buttons Kaluhiokalani towed me out to the surf break and pushed me onto my first wave. It became the favorite thing to do each time I came back to visit. I wanted to paddle out one day and catch my own waves and realized that I’m happier to have access to the ocean year-round. I was fortunate to move back to the island about 3 years ago. I was ready to take up surfing as a serious hobby and got a starter longboard soon after I moved back. But despite all the lessons, I had trouble catching waves on my starter board. One day a friend of mine let me borrow his Stewart Hydro Hull. What a difference it made! I started to demo Steward boards at your shop and finally got a Stewart board of my own! How many boards do you have in your quiver? I currently have a 9’ Stewart Redline longboard and a 7’ Libtech fun board. Upgrading from my starter board to these boards has been quite a luxury! These are light to carry and the 9’ is easy to paddle. Both boards are fun for catching and riding waves. The best part is that as my skills progress in surfing, they will still be great boards. What is your favorite thing about surfing? I love being in the ocean and this is a fun way to interact with nature and immerse in the culture. There’s so much to learn about the skills and from life. What do you do for a living? Is it a career you love, and does it relate to surfing? I’m an environmental engineer. Most of our projects deal with contaminants in soil and groundwater which could potentially impact the water quality in the ocean. This can be said to be somewhat related to surfing. I’m also working on becoming a scientific diver for future underwater projects. What are your other hobbies apart from surfing? Do these hobbies relate to surfing at all? I also enjoy scuba, free diving, Argentine tango, yoga and traveling to experience other cultures. I really enjoyed my previous trip to Belgium, Czech Republic and Poland, and hope to visit Iceland and Norway next year. Would you like to add anything else? It’s always a pleasure to visit Hawaiian South Shore. Dave, Brett, and crew are always friendly and helpful. I also love the diamond shape wax pattern that Brett kindly put on my new boards!
REVIEW Firewire Slater Cymatic 808beerhunt: “Whoa dis board is MAGIC!!!”
WHAT’S NEW & WHAT’S HAPPENING NEW LOST C4 Technology We’re super excited to get these two popular models in the NEW C4 technology. By the time you read this, it’ll be in the shop. Puddle Jumper HP RNF Retro Hawaiian South Shore November Newsletter Hawaiian South Shore November Newsletter
YOGA POSE OF THE MONTH: UTTANASANA Hawaiian South Shore November Newsletter Greg Long once said that anyone who is serious about big wave surfing and doesn’t do yoga, is fooling themselves. The reality is, that the logic applies to surfing of any type. Not only does yoga keep us limber and prevent injuries, it also increases core strength and teaches us to breathe properly. These are two fundamental building blocks of good athletics. To keep us surfing and living at our full potential, local yoga teacher and life-long surfer Kilty Inafuku will lead us through a yoga pose of the month. This month’s pose is intended to help us wake up with ease and prepare you for the day. This move will energize you as you head out for an early surf session, before the sun comes up and the crowds clog the lineups. Uttanasana is one of the foundational asanas (poses) in yoga. It’s a forward bend that serves as a stable, supported “inversion.” While you are not actually standing on your hands or shoulders (as in some of yoga’s inversions) you still get the benefit of reversing gravity. With your head below your heart you will enjoy a rush of energy to your head that will energize you and prepare you for the day. To practice uttanasana, ideally start with an empty stomach and bowels. Stand with your feet about hips width apart and knees slightly bent. Fold forward from the hips and allow your hands to rest on the ground, shins or whatever allows you to be the most comfortable. If you have a block available, you can position it under your hands for a little added support. Blocks basically brings the ground closer to you. Keep your knees bent, especially if you have back problems or just feel tight in general. The more you straighten your legs the more intense this will feel in the hamstrings and backs of your legs. The posture should be a bend at your hips and not from a rounded lower back. Rounding your back could aggravate any existing issues. As you settle into the pose, root into the ground through your feet. You can play with shifting your weight between heels and toes to feel the sensation of the pose. Allow your head to dangle, while the crown of your head is pulling toward the floor and your eyes look back between your legs. To come out of the pose, keep your knees bent and bring your hands to your hips. Engage your core muscle as you rise back up to standing position, which is also known as tadasana. Try to maintain an elongated back on your way up to a standing position. If it feels good for you, repeat this pose a few times to start your day. You can even use it as a reset periodically throughout your day. It’s better than a cup of coffee! Kilty Inafuku teaches yoga classes on the North Shore at the North Shore Yoga Co-Op and Paumalu Yoga, in Honolulu at Power Yoga Hawaii Piikoi and in Kailua at Yoga by the Sea. She also hosts and guest teaches at various yoga events on the island and leads retreats both in Hawaii and overseas. For more information visit
WHAT !!! WHO’S GOING TO KELLY SLATER’S SURF RANCH? Hawaiian South Shore November Newsletter Kelly Slater’s Surf Ranch in Lemoore, California is currently one of the most sought-after and exclusive experiences in surfing. The perfect, private-access only wave pool is on just about everyone’s bucket list. Normally the Surf Ranch is kept locked up tight and only pros, celebrities and Kelly Slater’s friends get to take the waves for a test ride. In December, you can add our store manager Brett Martin to that privileged list! Brett will be representing Hawaiian South Shore, at the FCS’s visit to the Surf Ranch, in recognition that our shop was the top retailer for FCS fins in the Hawaii region. FCS Hawaii rep and surfing legend, Keoni Watson, presented us with an invitation to the Surf Ranch. Brett is the lucky guy who gets to head over to California to surf Slater’s incredible waves. I can’t think of a more deserving person to get such an exclusive treat. Brett works tirelessly to keep the Hawaiian South Shore running and always brings a great attitude with him to the shop. I’m super stoked that he gets to go to Lemoore with the other top FCS sellers from the various regions. I’m looking forward to hearing that he scored the best waves of his life when he gets back in December! Make sure to check back next month for photos and a story from Brett’s visit to the ultimate wave pool! Hawaiian South Shore November Newsletter
CATCHING UP WITH SURF HISTORIAN ROGER HOLMES PINCHES Hawaiian South Shore November Newsletter Hawaiian South Shore November Newsletter A while back we had the opportunity to sponsor the Lost and Found Collection event here on Oahu. This event featured a collection of old photographs of legendary surfers that Doug Walker stumbled upon at a flea market. Interestingly, our blog post about the event ended up getting us in touch with another surf historian via comments on the blog thread. I’ve spent some time getting to know Roger Holmes Pinches via email and found his story to be an interesting one. Roger was born in South Australia, which is 60 miles from the surf spots at Waitpinga, Middleton and Boomer Beach. He spent weekends on the coast surfing, camping and eventually he got into South Australia School of Art when he was 15. After finishing art school and still an avid surfer, Roger met John Arnold. John Arnold ran a surf shop in Adelaide and ended up hiring Roger to run the shop’s design and advertising department. At the same time, the shop picked up the O’Neill franchise from California. This gave them the rights to manufacture O’Neill products in Australia. They also had the rights to Golden Breed clothing. Business was booming by the early 70’s and the shop started supplying major stores all over Australia. They also began flying big name surfers over to Australia like Gerry Lopez, Jeff Hakman and Reno Abillera. During the season, Roger would take these athletes around Australia to the various events at Bells Beach, Sydney and other free surfing trips in South Australia. Roger took Jeff Hakman to the Bells Beach contest in 1976 where Hakman ended up becoming the first Hawaiian to win in Australia. By that time, Roger had a big advertising budget and was designing full-page adverts for international magazines such as Surfer Magazine, Tracks Mag and Surfing World. After a few decades, Roger is now living in a remote villa on the northeastern coast of Bali. Between solo surf sessions, he has spent the past three years writing stories about his experiences in the surf industry from the 1960’s and 1970’s. These stories include adventures with some of the surfing’s biggest personalities. He plans to turn these stories into a glossy coffee table book dedicated to Jack O’Neill. He hopes it will embody Jack’s classic ethos of “Damn it, we did it first.” The book is scheduled to be released as a limited edition offering in Australia and California in 2019. “I am fortunate to have an amazing archive of notes, letters and photographs,” says Roger. The book promises to be a colorful and informative look at our sport’s history, so keep an eye out for its release. As Jack O’Neill said, “It’s been a hell of a ride, and long may it continue.”
STRAW HAT THE LOCAL BRAND WHY JAPANESE RUBBER? 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEED! Hawaiian South Shore November Newsletter Wetsuits have come a long way in the past 50 years. What started as crude and inflexible, iceman suits have evolved into sleek, supple heaters, that keep us in the water much longer than we ever could have dreamed. All of the major surf brands make suits now and boutique brands, have sprung up as well, to bring top-end rubber to quality conscious consumers. Our Straw Hat brand has a line of wetsuits and it’s one that we are quite proud of. We understand wetsuit quality and know a good product when we make one. The core component of a suit is its rubber. It stands to reason that the better the rubber is the better the suit will be. We want a combination of warmth and flexibility. The Japanese company that makes our suits has been building top quality suits for divers, surfers and, even the Japanese National Defense Force, for 35 years. The skin of our rubber is slippery smooth, but it stands up to the elements. Some of our past clients are still using suits they bought five years ago, with no dry rot! We weren’t satisfied with only having the best rubber on the market. We added extra design elements like elasticity for a better fit. We also added silicone rubber in cuffs to maintain seal and prevent over-stretching with frequent use, and a nylon loop sewn into the zipper to attach to your board short string under the suit to keep it in place. The result? Wetsuits that are built to last but provide the warmth and comfort that 21st-century surfers demand. If you are looking for the best wetsuits, these are definitely worth checking out. With a 30-day money back guarantee for our Reward members, you can’t go wrong.
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