Collection: Pivot Noserider Longboard Fins

Pivot fins are the classic option for dedicated noseriders and logs, which are typically built to go slow and support extended tip time, but at the expense of aggressive turning and maneuverability.

Noseriders are built for noseriding, and not much else, so they tend to be heavy, have soft rails, and have a lot of rocker in the tail, but very little in the noseā€”none of which are advantageous for doing turns. Likewise, the pivot fin that you will see on many noseriders is built more for stability than maneuverability.

Pivot fins tend to be long and upright, with a very little rake (and sometimes none at all). These fins serve as an anchor for the back of the board while you are on the nose, keeping the tail from spinning out when all of your weight is upfront. Of course, their wide, non-tapered shape means that they are pretty difficult to maneuver, and it often takes a bit of grunt to get boards with pivot fins to turn.

The Ultimate Guide to Selecting the Perfect Fin Size for Your Longboard. Click here...
In fact, thatā€™s where the name ā€œpivotā€ comes fromā€”because turns on boards with these fins tend to be more of a pivot than a carve. That being said, pivot fins provide the most stable ride when you are on the nose, so if hanging 10 is your goal, this is the go-to design.

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