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Hawaiian South Shore June 2024 Newsletter

Hawaiian South Shore February 2020 Newsletter

In this month's newsletter:


    Living in Hawaii, we’re blessed with beautiful beaches, lush landscapes, and fresh ocean breezes. However, indoor air quality can sometimes be overlooked. Whether you’re living in a condo or working in the downtown office, improving the air quality can have significant health benefits. 

    Today, we’re diving into a fascinating topic that’s perfect for our island lifestyle: how to grow fresh air indoors using common green plants.

    The Importance of Indoor Air Quality

    Kamal Meattle has identified three common houseplants that can dramatically improve indoor air quality. These plants are not only easy to care for but also thrive in Hawaii’s climate. Here’s how you can incorporate them into your home:

      The Three Key Plants for Fresh Air

      1. Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens)

            2. Mother-in-Law's Tongue (Sansevieria trifasciata)

            3. Money Plant (Epipremnum aureum)

       Click Here To Check FULL Article


      Surfers of the North Shore: Jamie Mitchell—World Class Paddler, Big Wave Surfer, and All-Around Waterman

      In a place like Oahu’s North Shore, it’s normal to see professional athletes on a daily basis.

      After all, this is the heart of the surf industry, ground zero for the big wave community, and one of the most celebrated surf zones on the planet. Sometimes it seems like every other person you meet here gets paid to surf, and it isn’t uncommon to bump into world champions while picking up a poke bowl at Foodland. But although world champs are a dime a dozen on the Seven-Mile Miracle, there’s one world champ that lives here who is incredibly unique.

      Hawaiian South Shore June 2024 Newsletter

      Jamie Mitchell: A World Champ Like No Other

      Originally from Australia, Jamie Mitchell spent most of his childhood in the water. He started in the Nippers program at a young age, and was soon winning just about every waterman-style event on the Gold and Sunshine Coasts. He quickly discovered that he had a knack for paddling, and before long he had established himself as one of the world’s foremast prone paddlers. CLICK HERE TO READ HIS FULL BIO

      Member of the Month - Doug Young

      Hawaiian South Shore June 2024 Newsletter

      When and why did you initially get into surfing?

      1960: pāpio boarding homemade redwood pāpio boards at the Wall. 

      Did you have a time period you laid off from surfing? If so, when and why did you start back up?

      College: always came back for summers 

      What is your favorite thing about surfing? 

      Dawn patrol sunrise

      Where is your favorite place to eat after surfing? What is your favorite item on the menu?

      Home: organic wild hunted pig and venison;sweet potato/ poi or meats at the Local General Store. Eat local,save our Forrest/ water shed. 

      What other hobbies do you have besides surfing?

      Help people with pig problems; teach urban butchery so people can be more sustainable; grown not flown. Archery hunting for Axis deer on lanai.

      What type of work do you do?

      Artist for 51 years; the latest install at the airport was 2 glass sculptures 

      Hawaiian South Shore June 2024 Newsletter


      Tell us about the board you recently purchased from us. What model and size is it, and how do you like its performance?

      S Boss and Boss up

      I’ve been a Dan Mann fan since FireWires first production board: Futura with balsa rails. Rode most of his models although my favorite is the first Sweet Potato 4’10”w curved Greg Webber fins.  
      How do you like it so far?
      They are new purchases; need more R&D and waves; so far: will webber power twins w small trailer works but l’m always experimenting to fine tune each. 
      Have you used other fins in the past and how do these compare?
      I need the quick pickup and drive, so a big front fin to push off of is important for me. I like the twang of the Webber curves and to me, they are a faster fin.

      Do you have any additional comments? 

      You gotta find an “out” in life. Surfing is a womb for me. 



      The SPROUT 2.0 is our updated modern nose rider. CJ Nelson has been on a variation of this design his entire surfing career.

      Some have claimed the SPROUT 2.0 as the best noseriding surfboard of all time which is a compliment we don’t take lightly. This most updated version has a bit more tail kick than past versions, a more pinched rail for wave face connectivity, edge in the tail for maximum control and a beveled Nuuhiwa style concave. The benchmark in performance nose riding. (Concept designed by CJ x Ryan Engle)

      Watch Exclusive Talk Story Here with CJ Nelson


      Feedback From Surfers 

      Lost Smooth Operator Review by Leonardo

      Leonardo reviews the Lost Smooth Operator surfboard, which he picked up in a 7'10" size. Standing at 6 feet tall and weighing 185 pounds, Leonardo loves the board, noting its excellent float and performance in town waves. Initially concerned about the board's lightness due to its carbon construction, he found it handled well, almost like his longboard, without bouncing around. He uses a two-plus-one fin setup with side fins and a small trailer, and is very satisfied with his purchase.

      Thank you so much for reading through our newsletter!!

      If you have any questions do not hesitate to let us know.

      See you in the water!
      David and The Hawaiian South Shore Crew
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