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This Solves My SCIATICA

Oct 21, 2022

This Solves My SCIATICA

This Solves My SCIATICA As I’ve talked about previously, I have struggled with sciatica and related knee pain for years. A lot of physical therapists have suggested doing stretching and rolling, but this actually aggravates the nerve that causes the sciatica (which we have covered in a previous article). Recently, I found a doctor in El Paso, Texas, who hosts a video on YouTube about effective sciatica therapy. Instead of stretching and rolling, he has people do exercises that shift the pelvis to relieve the pressure on the nerve. Two exercises in particular are super helpful for me.    ...

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How Surfing Can Mess Up Our Hips and Butts—and How We Can Deal With It

Oct 7, 2022

How Surfing Can Mess Up Our Hips and Butts—and How We Can Deal With It

An acquaintance of mine recently went into a running store in a landlocked state on the mainland to have his gait evaluated and get some recommendations on shoes. After putting him on a treadmill and filming his gait, the professional at the store asked, “Are you a surfer? You run like someone who has spent years on a surfboard, with your feet pointing slightly away from each other and more weight on your back foot.” My acquaintance found this pretty amazing. Not only had he been surfing his entire life, but the runner who recognized this lived 1000 miles from...

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How Sugar Causes Inflammation and Messes With Our Bodies

Dec 22, 2021

How Sugar Causes Inflammation and Messes With Our Bodies

How Sugar Causes Inflammation and Messes With Our Bodies Photo by Valeria Boltneva  As many of you know from my blogs and newsletters, I’ve been struggling with some joint pain over the past few years, mostly from injuries that I’ve picked up from surfing and other activities. I actually have a number of friends who are in the same situation, and we often chat about our injuries and pain and how to do away with it. The other day I was chatting with a friend in the water, and he mentioned that his acupuncturist told him that one way to reduce...

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How Surfing Can Mess Up Our Hips and Butts—and How We Can Deal With It

Nov 12, 2021

How Surfing Can Mess Up Our Hips and Butts—and How We Can Deal With It

How Surfing Can Mess Up Our Hips and Butts—and How We Can Deal With It An acquaintance of mine recently went into a running store in a landlocked state on the mainland to have his gait evaluated and get some recommendations on shoes. After putting him on a treadmill and filming his gait, the professional at the store asked, “Are you a surfer? You run like someone who has spent years on a surfboard, with your feet pointing slightly away from each other and more weight on your back foot.” My acquaintance found this pretty amazing. Not only had he...

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Surfer’s Eye—Treating and Preventing Pterygium

Aug 27, 2021

Surfer’s Eye—Treating and Preventing Pterygium

Surfer’s Eye—Treating and Preventing Pterygium   Photo Credit to   Recently I’ve noticed that my eyes are irritated and red after surf sessions, and I eventually decided to go see my ophthalmologist about it. After checking out my eyes, they told me that I have something that is very common in surfers—so common, in fact, that it’s been nicknamed “surfer’s eye.” My eye doctor diagnosed me with a pterygium, which is a growth of pink, fleshy tissue on the conjunctiva, which is the clear tissue that coats your eyeball. Sounds pretty gnarly, huh?! As crazy as it sounds, it’s likely...

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Blog-Yoga for Surfers: Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide - Legged Forward Bend)-Surfing News Hawaii-Hawaiian South Shore

May 14, 2021

Yoga for Surfers: Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide - Legged Forward Bend)

 Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide - Legged Forward Bend) While we like to call ourselves surfers, the reality is that we spend the majority of our time paddling, not riding waves. And paddling surfboard is hard work. Particularly with shortboards—but even on longboards as well—we spend hours flexing our lower backs and upper legs in order to support a more efficient streamline through the water so that we can paddle faster and catch more waves. All of this flexing can lead to strained, tight muscles in our upper legs and lower backs—basically our entire core. And of course, our core is the...

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Yoga Poses That Will Help you Surf Better

Mar 31, 2021

Yoga Poses That Will Help you Surf Better

Yoga Poses That WillHelp you Surf Better During challenging times, sometimes the best thing to do is to look for the silver lining. The months of March and April were hard for a lot of people, due to illness, lost jobs, financial difficulties, and the global pandemic/economic shutdown as a whole. To make matters worse, in many places around the world, surfers were restricted from paddling out and enjoying the natural healing that the ocean provides to our bodies, minds, and souls. But during times like this, when our daily routines are upset and we are unable to do the...

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The SEVEN Forms of REST and Why They Are Important

Feb 7, 2021

The SEVEN Forms of REST and Why They Are Important

The SEVEN Forms of REST and Why They Are Important As athletes who tend to pursue their sport on a daily basis, surfers have a number of recovery needs, including proper nutrition and rest. But do you ever feel like no mater how much sleep you get, you are still exhausted? That’s because there are actually seven different types of rest that people need. The first is obvious—and one that we talk about a lot. Physical rest is just as important as physical activity, even for professional-level athletes who do endurance sports and other activities that require a lot of...

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A Short, Pre-Surf Yoga Practice to Help You Shred Harder and Recover Faster

Apr 13, 2020

A Short, Pre-Surf Yoga Practice to Help You Shred Harder and Recover Faster

A Short, Pre-Surf Yoga Practice to Help You Shred Harder and Recover Faster 📷@kiltyyoga Surfing is an intensive, full-body activity that involves repetitive motion (paddling), weird, posture-related tension (lower back tightness), frequent twisting (hips and neck), and unbalanced weight distribution (back leg versus front). Taking that into consideration, it’s no wonder that our bodies often feel tweaked after we surf. One of the best things we can do to prepare our bodies to shred during each session and recover quickly after we paddle in is to integrate a short, effective yoga practice into our daily surf routine. This can be...

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Dec 6, 2019

YOGA Pose Of The Month: Malasana

YOGA POSE OF THE MONTH: MALASANA The yoga pose of the month for May is one that directly improves our ability to surf better. After all, that is exactly why many of us get into yoga. We want to become stronger, fitter and more flexible so that we can better enjoy our hobbies and sports and perform at a higher level. Although this pose is one that can help you surf better, yoga is intended to do something far more important, like helping us live better. Whether you’ve been practicing yoga for years or are just getting into it to help...

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May 13, 2019


UTTANASANA YOGA POSE Greg Long once said that anyone who is serious about big wave surfing and doesn’t do yoga, is fooling themselves. The reality is, that the logic applies to surfing of any type. Not only does yoga keep us limber and prevent injuries, it also increases core strength and teaches us to breathe properly. These are two fundamental building blocks of good athletics. To keep us surfing and living at our full potential, local yoga teacher and life-long surfer Kilty Inafuku will lead us through a yoga pose of the month. This month’s pose is intended to help us...

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Sep 14, 2018


YOGA FOR SURFERS: RECLINED DOUBLE PIGEON POSE As surfers, we tend to do a lot of repetitive motion and spend a lot of time in certain positions that can create imbalances in our bodies. Two of these—the arched-back paddle position and standing on a board with our feet perpendicular to the stringer (often with the majority of our weight and power on our back foot, and with our front foot turned ever so slightly forward)—create tightness and imbalance in our hips. This can affect our ability to surf and do other activities well, and also contribute to lower back pain....

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The Value of Naps

Aug 1, 2018

The Value of Naps

The Value of Naps Most people know that sleep is important, but many fail to understand exactly how essential good sleep is for our health. While we are sleeping, our bodies repair injuries, reduce inflammation, and allow the mind to recover. Inflammation is a huge factor in diseases such as cancer, heart disease, sinusitis, and numerous other ailments, and anytime your body doesn’t get to recover completely, inflammation builds up in the body. This weakens the immune system and makes you more susceptible to the diseases mentioned above. In fact, it’s been found that even the simple sleep disruption of...

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